Dry Mouth With Braces – Why and Solutions

Straighter teeth, better spacing, and a more aesthetically pleasing smile are all possible results of wearing braces. However, you will need to endure some unpleasant circumstances before you can reach the point where you can enjoy the benefits, one of these is a dry mouth with braces. If you are experiencing a dry mouth with…

Can I Wear Braces If I’m Pregnant? (FAQ’s)

  Can you get braces while pregnant is a question that is asked often, and for valid reasons. Basic orthodontic treatment doesn’t put any stress on a developing fetus, so it’s totally safe to continue with an established treatment plan during pregnancy. Braces or Invisalign can even be put on during pregnancy, as long as…

How Do Braces Work?

People know braces work, but few understand how they do what they’re meant to do. In this blog post, we’ll explain the process and science of how braces work.

Side Effects of Braces

Orthodontic treatment makes our teeth and jaw straight. But at what cost. Wearing braces means putting up with a new era of annoyances. Some side effects are common and easy to solve. Others are more serious and need expert attention. Read on to discover why braces cause these common side effects and what you can…

Is It Normal For Teeth to Get Worse With Braces?

If while wearing braces, you think your braces make your teeth worse looking than before you began. You may be right. DONT be alarmed, orthodontics is a process and your smile will straighten in stages. Your orthodontist will have planned for all movements and transitional changes during treatment. In this post, we’ll take you through…

How Much do Braces Cost in 2022?

Braces type and costs Depending on the length of treatment braces can be an investment of $4-9k with Lingual braces being about 30% higher. Price will also vary depending on insurance.  What is unique about braces at Tisseront Orthodontics is that you can select any type of braces and achieve the same beautiful, healthy smile….

The Different Parts of Braces and What They Do

Crooked teeth mean braces. You or your child may ask what braces do and what is gonna go into their mouth. Braces are made up of different parts and materials doing differing tasks to move the teeth. Orthodontists use the skills learned to know how much work a particular part needs to do. In this…

What Are Braces Power Chains?

Power chains are connected strings of ligatures (elastics). The​se​ ligatures that hold the metal wire in place for your braces can be made out of elastic bands or chains. Your bracket will have its own individual ligature, but a power chain gives you more options when it comes to connecting them all together and forming an even…

The Best Toothpaste for Braces

While there’s no specific toothpaste for braces, there are certain types of toothpaste that will better benefit someone currently undergoing orthodontic treatment. Read on to learn what’s the best toothpaste for braces or Invisialign.

A Pre-Appointment Checklist for Orthodontist Appointments

Preparing for an orthodontist appointment – especially your first one – can be a bit stressful. In order to help with some of that worry, in this blog post, we’ll tell you exactly what you need to be prepared for your next orthodontist appointment.

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