Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 3: Kiwi

Last Updated on October 9, 2016 Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 3: Kiwi If you dream of a beautiful smile, braces or Invisalign may be your answer. An orthodontist can evaluate your teeth and help you decide on the appropriate treatment to beautify your smile, meet your budget, and increase the functionality of your teeth. However,…

Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 2: Celery

Last Updated on October 9, 2016 Teeth-friendly Fruits & Vegetables No. 2: Celery Looking for a tooth-friendly snack? One of the best foods for your smile is celery. What makes it such a good choice? Hard and Crunchy This might not sound particularly appealing, but if you’ve bit into celery, you know exactly how hard and crisp…

Good Things Happen When You Smile

Posted | Braces, Invisalign, Smile Quotes

Last Updated on September 16, 2016 There’s no doubt that life hands us many experiences. The reality is that coping with loss is a fact of life, and all of us must go through it. The question is, how do we cope with the sadness that comes when a relationship ends? Though the idea of “smiling…

Why Is It Necessary to Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly?

Posted | Braces, Invisalign, Orthodontist

Last Updated on September 30, 2016   Why Is It Necessary to Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly? The role of your orthodontist is to provide reliable, convenient service that perfectly aligns and straightens your child’s teeth. Visiting the office regularly is a critical component in achieving a beautiful, healthy smile in a timely manner. Ensuring your child…

The Importance of Wearing Retainers After Treatment

Posted | Braces, General Orthodontics, Invisalign

Last Updated on September 18, 2016 You will probably be ecstatic when your braces are taken off. The sensation of smooth teeth on your tongue is the reward for many months or years of orthodontia treatment. However, your teeth-straightening days aren’t entirely over. You’ll receive a retainer after the brackets are taken off. Don’t discount the…

Back to School with Braces

Posted | Braces

Last Updated on August 30, 2016 Your child just got their braces on over summer vacation and is still sporting the red, white and blue color bands she picked out to help celebrate Fourth of July! School is fast approaching and you’re just about to embark on the annual back-to-school shopping trip over the tax-free holiday…

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile.

Posted | Braces, Invisalign, Smile Quotes

Last Updated on August 8, 2016 As you go through life, you’ll quickly learn that it has its ups and downs. Everyone will see their fair share of good times and bad times. When you go through the bad times, they can be so overwhelming and discouraging that you’re unable to really enjoy the good times…

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