Words of Wisdom No.6 – Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week

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Words of wisdom

In today’s society, moms are searching for a simple solution to whiten their teeth that they can easily squeeze into their daily routine. After a long day of taking care of the children, many women consume dark beverages such as wine, coffee, tea, or soda. Unfortunately, these drinks can result in stained teeth over a period of time. Brushing with baking soda has been shown to reduce the appearance of stains on teeth even for those who wear braces or invisalign.

Advantages of Baking Soda

  • Brushing the teeth with baking soda once a week can polish the teeth in order to promote a whiter and brighter appearance.
  • Using baking soda during an oral care routine can also combat bad breath.
  • Because brushing the teeth with baking soda is extremely affordable, the remedy is an alternative to modern and often expensive whitening systems.

Brushing with Only Baking Soda

  • First, wet the toothbrush and then place it in baking soda until a paste forms on the toothbrush.
  • Using light pressure, brush the teeth with normal speed for about two minutes.
  • Afterwards, remove any remaining baking soda by rising thoroughly with water.

Brushing with Baking Soda and Toothpaste

  • Apply a small amount of baking soda on the toothpaste after squeezing it on the toothbrush.
  • Next, brush the teeth with normal friction and speed.
  • Finally, rinse the mouth with water to remove residual toothpaste or baking soda.

Call Tisseront Orthodontics Today

If you or your child are interested in straighter teeth and improving your smile, call us today. Our professional orthodontics team can examine you or your child and determine the best treatment for you. Our office is proud to specialize in Invisalign. Call us to schedule an appointment today.

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