How Much Does Invisalign Express Cost for Only Upper Teeth?

When you learn that your children need braces, you likely have an assortment of questions. In fact, you’ve even discovered that they are getting Invisalign Express on their upper teeth only. One of the most prominent inquiries in your mind is likely about the cost of this procedure. The exact answer is one that depends…

Does Invisalign Give You a Lisp?

If you’ve read of the numerous advantages of Invisalign, you might have also come across the so-called Invisalign lisp. In medical terms, a lisp is a speech impediment related to the sounds corresponding with the sounds “z”, “s”, “sh”, or “ch”. Dr. TisserontI feel very fortunate to have found a profession as rewarding as the…

Cleaning Invisalign Retainers and Cases

In exchange for the invisibility and freedom you get with Invisalign aligners, you have to spend a little more time taking care of your appliance. Here is how to clean & store your Invisalign properly:

Invisalign Not Tracking? Try Our Tips!

Is your Invisalign not tracking?  You should try the following; 1-Use chewies to seat your Invisalign trays, 2- Wear aligners 22 hours a day, 3- Consult your orthodontist about backtracking, 4- Go for a treatment revision. Below, we discuss these points in more detail. Dr. TisserontI feel very fortunate to have found a profession as…

What Do I Do With My Old Invisalign Trays?

Over the course of your Invisalign treatment, you’ll receive new Invisalign aligners every few weeks. This leads to an accumulation of old retainers and patients asking, “What do I do with my old Invisalign trays?” Here, we have your answer.

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals – How to Use and What Are They?

  Invisalign Cleaning Crystals are a custom-designed cleaning system for Invisalign clear aligners and retainers. 15 to 30 minutes is all you need with the help of dissolving crystals that leave a super clean finish. As a result, the devices will last longer. Read on for the full facts on this product.  Dr. TisserontI feel…

Can I Eat With My Invisalign In?

While Invisalign boasts the benefit of being able to be removed for meals, some patients still wonder if it’s okay to leave them in for a quick snack. In this post, we’ll show you why that isn’t a good idea.

Staying Safe and Healthy with Clear Aligners During Covid-19

A crucial part of your routine with clear aligners such as Invisalign is making sure that your teeth and implements remain clean throughout the day. As we all know, Covid-19 has caused changes to every aspect of our daily lives, and taking care of your aligners is no exception! We’re here to explain the impact of Covid-19 on…

What Does an Ideal Bite Look Like? (5 SIMPLE ANSWERS)

So, an ideal bite. While it’s easy for some people to identify when they may need to have their teeth straightened, there are also times when it can be difficult to do so. Small issues pertaining to a misaligned bite or crooked teeth can be tricky to spot unless you know exactly what you’re looking for. In order to fully understand what a perfect bite should look like, you’ll need to look at your teeth from several different angles.

The Importance of Wearing a Retainer (after Treatment)

Last Updated on March 6, 2019 The Importance of wearing a retainer after treatment. The big day has arrived for your braces to come off, and you are so excited to finally see that beautiful smile! While you will be free from some of the restrictions that were involved with your past treatment plan, you should…

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