Complete Guide to Oral Health (EPIC TRUTH)

Posted | General Orthodontics

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Complete Guide to Oral Health. Good oral health is important at any age. The steps a person takes to care for their teeth and gums will benefit them for life. Those who do not care for their teeth can experience tooth decay, tooth loss, and gum disease, which can all cause a person to feel embarrassed about their smile. Proper oral hygiene practices need to begin taking place as soon as a child cuts their first tooth and should continue throughout life.

Choose the Right Oral Health Tools

The two biggest concerns in the regime of oral care practices are brushing and flossing. The following list should be used, to ensure the right tools are used.

  • It is essential a soft toothbrush is used to prevent damage to the enamel or soft gum tissues.
  • Brushing should be done at least twice a day. Those who wear orthodontic braces should brush after every meal.
  • Flossing is also important, because it protects the vulnerable areas between the teeth, by removing plaque.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to their oral health is not brushing and flossing as often as they should. Improper brushing is also a concern. There are some areas of the mouth that are more difficult to reach, due to overcrowding and the positioning of the teeth.

It is recommended individuals see an orthodontist if they are finding it difficult to keep their teeth clean. Braces align the teeth, making it easier to keep them clean and stopping the uneven wear and tear that occur, due to alignment concerns.

Essential Tips For Caring for Your Smile

  1. Properly Brush

Many people do not realize how important their brushing technique is for their oral health. Proper brushing is at the top of the list of important steps individuals should take. The brush should be held at a slight angle against the gums.

Avoid sawing motions and putting too much pressure on the brush. It is important to gently move the toothbrush back and forth across the teeth, making sure to sweep the gumline. All surfaces of the teeth should be brushed, including the backs.

  1. Flossing is Essential

According to the American Dental Association, only 16% of surveyed people report flossing every day. Around 55% of people surveyed said they did not floss every day because it is too time-consuming.

Although flossing is not the most fun of activities, it is not that difficult. There is special floss picks that can make the job a breeze and they are especially beneficial for children. Flossing right before bed should be a daily goal.

  1. Replace Your Toothbrush

A toothbrush needs to be replaced every three months for a couple of different reasons. Toothbrushes become worn over time and are no longer effective at properly cleaning the teeth.

Toothbrushes also collect tons of bacteria from the mouth and from being left in the bathroom. When the bacteria are in great numbers, a toothbrush can lead to mouth infections. A toothbrush should be discarded after any viral illness and when it becomes worn. Cleaning with braces is a whole other thing.

  1. Drink Water Regularly

The mouth needs saliva to neutralize the acids from the foods a person eats. Drinking copious amounts of water will help to keep saliva production at the right level. Drinking water properly hydrates the soft tissues of the mouth and prevents plaque development.

When the mouth is overly dry, it can lead to bacteria growth, which will cause decay and possible gum disease. While proper hydration is essential, sugary drinks should be avoided. Sugary drinks create a hospitable environment for bacteria and they cause increased acidity, which eats away at the enamel of the teeth and can lead to tooth decay.

  1. Consume a Healthy Diet

Everything a person eats can have an effect on the health of their teeth and gums. Eating a high carbohydrate diet is more than likely going to lead to a greater risk of cavity development. Ideally, a person should consume a wide array of lean protein sources, vegetables, and fruits.

If candy and other sweets are consumed, wait about an hour for the saliva to kick in and reduce the acidity and then brush. Brushing after consuming sweets can cut down on the risks of decay. Even with this regime, it is still wise to cut sugar from the diet as much as possible.

  1. Cleanings are a Must

Regular teeth cleaning needs to be carried out twice a year, to remove any tartar that may have developed. During these appointments, a patient can learn if they should see an orthodontist to correct the alignment of their teeth.

Deep cleanings remove the tartar that becomes caked on certain areas of the teeth. The molars are the most prone to the development of tartar, but it can also form in other areas. If tartar is not removed, it can begin to weaken the enamel and lead to cavities.

  1. Align Your Smile

Proper alignment is a must for ensuring the teeth can be cleaned. If cleaning appointments are revealing constant tartar at the back of the teeth, an orthodontic appointment may need to be scheduled.

When the teeth are not properly aligned, they are not only more difficult to clean, they also can become unevenly worn, leading to heightened sensitivity and pain. Orthodontic care will work to properly align the teeth and improve their function.

Schedule a Consultation

If you or your child are experiencing alignment issues, seeking orthodontic care is important. Braces will properly align the teeth so they are easier to clean and your smile looks more attractive.

Call Tisseront Orthodontics today and schedule your consultation appointment. Allow us to take care of your oral health, so they are properly aligned. We can help you achieve the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Our friendly staff is standing by to assist you to work with Dr. Tisseront.

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Tisseront Orthodontics
11720 Plaza America Drive, Ste. 110
Reston, VA 20190
Phone: (703) 773-1200

Complete Guide to Oral Health (EPIC TRUTH

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